Q: Where is the line drawn between eclectic pagans/witches/whatever and chaos magicians?
A: Chaos magick is not something that I have studied. In fact,I'm mush more comfortable working with Universal Laws. In my humble opinion, Witches are Universal Lawyers, in that we learn, study & practice within those principles that apply to everyone.
Chaos magick, from what limited understanding I have on the subject, is one that operate aside from or beyond those laws. So yes, an eclectic can learn & practice within chaos magick. But on the whole I think your term 'magicican. is more applicable to those who really get into it.
Bottom line, every path has some truth in it. Find what you may & incorporate what works for you. But how I know something works for me is by how it feels. The word Chaos itself is not really part of my personal lexicon, so I move toward its opposite 'order.' However, I would never dissuade someone from finding what works for them. I would only follow my own gut & emotional guidance toward or away from any subject that presents itself to me. That is a path worth following & whether you simple dip a toe, become a master of it, or anywhere in between, learning, knowledge & wisdom is the goal, but Love is the ultimate reward in the moment & long term.
I hope these answers help clarify.
Rev. Mark A. Lyons
A: Chaos magick is not something that I have studied. In fact,I'm mush more comfortable working with Universal Laws. In my humble opinion, Witches are Universal Lawyers, in that we learn, study & practice within those principles that apply to everyone.
Chaos magick, from what limited understanding I have on the subject, is one that operate aside from or beyond those laws. So yes, an eclectic can learn & practice within chaos magick. But on the whole I think your term 'magicican. is more applicable to those who really get into it.
Bottom line, every path has some truth in it. Find what you may & incorporate what works for you. But how I know something works for me is by how it feels. The word Chaos itself is not really part of my personal lexicon, so I move toward its opposite 'order.' However, I would never dissuade someone from finding what works for them. I would only follow my own gut & emotional guidance toward or away from any subject that presents itself to me. That is a path worth following & whether you simple dip a toe, become a master of it, or anywhere in between, learning, knowledge & wisdom is the goal, but Love is the ultimate reward in the moment & long term.
I hope these answers help clarify.
Rev. Mark A. Lyons