Q: I've always had this question in my head to ask. Is it possible to physically transform into a specific animal??? But I think it can happen Physically and/or Mentally. I MUST KNOW :)
Blessings )O(
A: Hi "DF", Shapeshifting & physical transformation are really ancient ideas. I'm not going to claim any kind of special knowledge in this area because my line of study has more to do with inner transformation than outer.
But that said, who knows what is possible when the mind is focused? There are shamans who say they can transform physically & those who say it is only done psychically. I'd recommended studying along the lines of those teachers which match your interest.
But in the end, in my own opinion, shapeshifting physically is not relevant to modern life anymore. I need to get things done in human form in order to take care of my interior world / Spirit. Not that a few hours as an eagle wouldn't be great, but I still have to do my laundry, food shop & work to survive. That is easier with opposable thumbs as opposed to not having any.
So, transfiguration itself may be a thing of fantasy or not. I don't know, but I do know it isn't a practical consideration of my time or energy as I have things to get done.
That is probably a very witchy answer, but not what you wanted. I apologize, but it's the truth from where I see it,
I do hope it helps,
Rev. Mark A. Lyons
Blessings )O(
A: Hi "DF", Shapeshifting & physical transformation are really ancient ideas. I'm not going to claim any kind of special knowledge in this area because my line of study has more to do with inner transformation than outer.
But that said, who knows what is possible when the mind is focused? There are shamans who say they can transform physically & those who say it is only done psychically. I'd recommended studying along the lines of those teachers which match your interest.
But in the end, in my own opinion, shapeshifting physically is not relevant to modern life anymore. I need to get things done in human form in order to take care of my interior world / Spirit. Not that a few hours as an eagle wouldn't be great, but I still have to do my laundry, food shop & work to survive. That is easier with opposable thumbs as opposed to not having any.
So, transfiguration itself may be a thing of fantasy or not. I don't know, but I do know it isn't a practical consideration of my time or energy as I have things to get done.
That is probably a very witchy answer, but not what you wanted. I apologize, but it's the truth from where I see it,
I do hope it helps,
Rev. Mark A. Lyons